Author Archives: Blackbird Revolt

Zeitgeist’s Year of the Womxn

Zeitgeist Arts’ Year of the Womxn Our creative director, Terri, worked with Zeitgeist to craft creatives around the four quarters of their Year of the Womxn events. Terri defined the quarters as Womxn in Activism, Womxn at Work, Womxn Identity & Self-Care, and Womxn in the Arts. In part, she also worked with and mentored […]

Design 02 Workshop

Blackbird Revolt will be hosting its second community workshop building off of Design 01. This workshop is meant for beginners and folks looking to strengthen their graphic design knowledge. This will dive heavily into the use of typography and color to communicate effective messages. Participants will leave the workshop with a new understanding of type […]

Design 01 Workshop

Are you interested in graphic design? Blackbird Revolt will host its first community workshop on some of the design basics for beginners. This workshop will go over design as a concept, the design elements, software, file types, plagiarism vs. inspiration, measurement tools, use of space, type basics, and color basics. Participants will leave understanding how […]

Workshop: Hue Design Summit

Branding the Movement Workshop

We’re excited to be joining a dope group of creators at this year’s HUE Design Summit. We will be hosting a workshop this year.

“Thus all Art is propaganda and ever must be[…]. I do not care a damn for any art that is not used for propaganda. But I do care when propaganda is confined to one side while the other is stripped and silent.” –W.E.B. DuBois