Seen Zine
During this challenging time, the realities of racism are still ever present and, in fact, exacerbated by COVID-19 and our responses to it. These new realities exist while the normalized harm and violence against Black people also persists. Racial terror is not only a normal part of our country and community, it is a pillar that continues to persist.
We created the Seen zine to challenge Black people (and those interested in supporting Black liberation) to think about a future free of racialized violence. This zine walks readers through a narrative that helps them create their vision for the future. The zine incorporates narrative elements, prompts, and illustrations. We hope readers and participants will use the zine to create art, poetry, and stories that act as a roadmap for our collective future.
The Seen zine is a collection of simple practices we use or have used. Although we created and designed this zine, we don’t own the knowledge that we’re sharing. These things were shown to us and shared with us throughout our years. We are grateful to our teachers and guides who have helped shape who we are. We wish it were possible to name them all but the list would span books and generations in length. If you’re reading this, you’re probably one of those names or you one day will be.
Thank you for creating. Keep designing the future.
Download the full zine here. Share what you’ve written, drawn, or created. Send your creations to
This activity is made possible in part by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.